Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two America's

There are two United States of America, one in which vanity reigns, and another suffering from Stockholm syndrome on a mass scale, My mind moves from one to the other and I can only hope for the real awakening that is desperately needed. In any case, the veil over our heads is blowing in the wind to only be swooshed away soon. And to know it, you don’t need any proof other than the fear that permeates The American psyche and the mainstream media, the streets full of State and federal employees earning salaries and benefits that the average person in the disappearing private sector will never earn. The sense that we are being lied to as the American dream slowly turns into a nightmare, the absolute distress of those trying to hang on to ownership of their home before it is foreclosed on.

We Americans look with dismay at the Middle East as our politicians and news anchors tell us what evil dictators these men have been to their people and that the only answer is DEMOCRACY? …come on people Democracy is NOT the End All Cure All, I was in Iraq when it was shoved down the throats of the people as if they really had a freedom of choice for their next leader, here in America every 4years we are given the choice of Chicken or Pasta, one or the other, period. And you say we live in a free society? We are SLAVES to consumerism, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and especially the pride of life, these will destroy a society, ie (Rome)

Is fear our sword of Damocles and does the government look upon us like trembling and defenseless lambs? Or is it that the trembling of the shepherds is greater than that of the sheep. Those in the Federal and state government, the paranoia and fear have become State policy. Although they try to appear comfortable in the chairs of democratic fascism as they hold to their constitutional authority, they know the foundation has been eroding away and is going to disappear.

When will the True Sons of the Republic return to repair the foundation stone's that have been cracked and chipped by politicians using there jackhammers on the U.S. Constitution? perhaps the ink that is written on that old piece of hemp paper can no longer support the house that was once built upon it, for a divided house cannot stand.


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