Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I need to vent

Well here it is March the 2nd 2011 at 3am, I’ve watched the news and have listened between the words for some semblance of truth in the media, only to be disgusted and then I turn the channel hoping to find a good movie or perhaps a good documentary, maybe I should waste my time and play a FPS video game or read through some more blogs, I have my favorites but I am one with more time to read other peoples musings then to try to postulate my own. I feel perplexed on all sides as I worry about the future not for myself but more for my family and friends, I’m seeing History repeat itself once again as we here in the United States sit comfortably in our homes behind our computer screens or TV’s as the World outside is crying for help, what can i do? Besides sending charity to a few selected people, while I worry about bills and the future, while I fight the desires for more material possessions. I wonder what will be my legacy when I am gone, did I say enough to those that needed to hear a word? Did I give enough to those who needed help? Did I pray for them earnestly enough for those who feel there is no more hope? I used to long to be like a voice crying in the wilderness, preparing the way for the lost but now I am nothing more than one of the lost sheep crying out, return Lord Jesus, return.
 How long oh Lord Holy and true that you are, how long till you return and straiten the crooked paths and shore up the foundation’s that have been drowned in the miry pits of despair, how much longer are we to be bombarded with such rampant evil and decadence all around us as we ourselves glance back like lot’s wife.
There are a lot of things that I see and hear that really piss me off besides the injustice many people suffer presently, what I’m more upset about is my inability on my own to change those things around me especially when I see the indifference many of us have, the feeling that everything is just fine the way it is, I walk through the supermarket purchasing food items, and suddenly I’m reminded of how well we have it here in the United States “if you have a Job” and make a decent living, the store shelves are full of items that we Americans take for granted daily, I have a thought, what if all of this excess were to suddenly disappear and we were thrust back into a third world society, would Americans begin to revolt like those in Egypt and Libya, probably huh?  We Americans would begin to bitch and moan for the lifestyle that we have become accustomed to, while the rest of us hopefully begin to overcome and adapt.  It’s now time I am off to bed, thanks for letting me vent.


Newbius said...

You are not alone, and you are not powerless.

If you were to believe the media, then it would seem that the people were no longer in power here in the USA. That the criminals were running the institutions, and the rest of us had no impact. The truth is that we have the power, but need to persist in using it to turn this leviathan around to the proper course.

Keep putting it out there. The right people will pick up the call and pass it on.

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